We are our solution

If there’s anything that the discovery yesterday of two new cases of Covid-19 confirms to us, it’s that we need to be proactive about health for our own people. We each, individually and collectively, need to take responsibility to #ProtectOurWhakapapa and not slide back into a false sense of security. To leave the responsibility for our health and wellbeing in the hands of the government alone is to relinquish our power and our ability to practice rangatiratanga. Consider these two things: 1)Making sure our voices are heard and we influence the development of a Māori Health Authority, and 2) Taking control of our own health and wellbeing at the same time. It doesn’t have to be just one or the other. And it definitely can’t be none of those. Educate yourself and your whānau. Make your voices heard. And take real, concrete steps every day to take control of your oranga. Mā tātou anō tātou e kōrero. Mā tātou anō tātou e arahi. Me whakapono ki a tātou e pai ai. We are our solution - Rawiri Waititi


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