Need your kapa haka fix?

You know how you’ve been craving that kapa haka fix? Well, it’s coming! Tainui have announced that their regional kapa haka competition is on 29 August just days after Koroneihana on 20-21 August. Both events celebrate who we are. Both events remember all our loved ones who have passed. And of course, since it’s election year, no doubt both events will make some political statements! Let’s celebrate how our traditional performance artforms give voice to our mana motuhake, our pride in who we are, and our ability to drive our own solutions for the challenges we face in today’s world. Kapa haka. The ihi. The wehi. The excellence, discipline, commitment, determination, and passion. Taringa Whakarongo! Hope! #ProtectOurWhakapapa #Manaaki20 #BeAGoodAncestor #TūpunaWisdom


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